Good People Skills = Building Trust

This is a guest post by my friend Maria Dinu (Galca), who is an Effectiveness Coach. She works full time in HR for a Fortune 100 Company, and coaches in her free time. She blogs about how to better manage your life on

I pride myself with having worked with various types of people in my 10 year career in the NGO and corporate field of HR. I’ve seen young people who were very close-minded, 16 year olds who were wiser than 50 year olds, company leaders who mocked their people, or Finance leaders who could explain the business in 5 minutes to their kid. I’ve had bosses I loved, although they knew little business, and bosses I … well, didn’t like so much, although they were experts.

And there’s one thing I noticed, in all these cases.

In business, and life in general, you’re nothing if you can’t build trust.
Trust = Credibility.
Trust = Leadership.

If people trust you, they will ultimately follow you. As Stephen R. Covey puts it, in his very good book “The Speed of Trust”, trust can get people to accomplish things in a company much, much faster.

Relationships based on trust work faster, because there are no insecurities. There are no check-ups. There are very few fights. And, what’s a company, if not an intricate set of relationships?

How do you build trust?
The saying “It takes 10 years to build trust, and one second to destroy it” is very true. Trust is built through time. But I’ve seen results in months, if not days. Let me tell you a story.

Some years ago, I worked with a person for whom I made every day difficult, on purpose. I’m not proud to say that, and I did not enjoy that time. The reason I did it was that somewhere, in my mind, I had the feeling that new manager would spoil my career. She was new, and she had not established herself correctly in front of our team. So, I said, why not show her that this is not the way things work?
(Of course, things did not work. They only got worse)
What changed dramatically was that I found out she supported me. She talked to me openly about the situation, and showed me she cared. And things did happen. Turns out, I was wrong. And feeling ashamed.
Afterwards, she became, if not a good friend, an esteemed manager from whom I learned a lot, despite differences.

1. The number one way to build trust in your relationships, is show people you care. If your team feels you care, they will be there for you. Go out for coffee with them. One of the very good team leaders I know established excellent relationships with her people from Day 1, taking them out to beer, and saying openly “I’m here for you. I’m human, just as you.” A great HR Manager I worked with gained the trust of her 100+ people saying in an open meeting “I’m here to help.”

2. You don’t need to be a best friend. Only respect your word. OK, going out to beer with the team is a good way to build relationships. But I never went to beer with my previous boss – all the trust established was gained from respecting one’s word.

3. Transparency, even in the worst situations, can gain you more trust and support, than keeping “the bad news” a secret. In the time of crisis, many companies had to let people go. Imagine the number of business managers who had to go in front of their people and say “We’re not doing well.” Who would have the guts to do that?

Well, it turns out from various studies (including the reputed Mc Kinsey) that transparency gains you more trust than if you shove the dirt under the carpet. Going in front of the team and saying “We’re not doing well, and here’s why, and here’s what I’m doing about it” will get your people supporting you than ever. And, you know, it just might be THE thing to get the company out of difficult times.

Building a circle of people who trust you may be the best thing you do in your career. Not only will they recommend you, support you and encourage you, but they will help you reach your goals faster, and in a more productive way than ever before.

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  1. Hey Maria,

    I wanted to be the first one to comment on your guest post and thank you for it.

    If I would narrow down good people skills to one, essential skill, that would be building trust. I think it’s the essence of good business and fulfilling interpersonal relationships. This is one of the reasons I love to teach it.

  2. I find that trust gets built over time, and that doing what you say you’ll do, saying what you mean and meaning what you say, and having congruence with your values, paves the path for a firm foundation. I think people also like the consistency.
    .-= J.D. Meier´s last blog ..10 Ways to Hold People Accountable =-.

  3. Hello,

    These three points are great, particularly the transparency. I think being really honest with someone, even it is not what they want to hear, is the only way to build trust – and this requires courage. There are some things which are very difficult to say to someone but if we can say them, it brings respect and trust.

  4. Trust is such an incredibly important thing for a leader, you can’t fake it, you can only earn it. It’s worth every bit of effort.
    .-= Claire – Gratitude Connection´s last blog ..Today I’m grateful for… =-.

  5. Hi all,
    thank you so much for your comments!
    JD, you’re so right. Consistency is really key – once your values and what you transmit are not aligned, that really shows, and it wrecks your credibility and trust with people.
    Kate, I know what you mean. I’ve seen people fall in awe for a “leader with balls” who had the guts to say what others were afraid to face. But he also had the solutions to back him up.
    So, I believe transparency is good, as long as you don’t stop after the bad news.
    Claire, I couldn’t agree more. If a leader doesn’t earn the trust of his people, how can he expect them to follow him? And as the saying goes “If you’re a leader, but no one’s following, you’re just taking a walk”.
    Thanks all for your comments, and do drop by “LifeToolkit.Net”!
    .-= Maria´s last blog ..A Manifest on Laziness =-.

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