Learn How to Have a Sense of Humor from James Bond

I’m a big fan of James Bond movies, especially the ones with Sean Connery. One thing I like about them is the witty, confident James Bond humor. Being a very analytical person, I’ve been studying it and trying to decode it.

The good news is there are patterns to the James Bond sense of humor, which you can discover and practice. In other words, you can learn how to have a sense of humor like 007. Here’s one piece of James Bond humor, in the movie Thunderball (1965):

What makes his line in this scene witty and funny? Well, the humor is created by a subtle yet powerful verbal technique: using a common expression with an uncommon meaning. When James Bond says “She’s just dead”, he’s actually using this expression with its literal meaning, not its figurative one that a person would expect. And you, the viewer, know it. That’s funny!

Take this technique to create humor and try it various situations, as part of your people skills development. You may find out it’s a great way for you to enhance your sense of humor.

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  1. I’m loving his swagger!

  2. Hey Eduard:

    I have noticed that with many “funny” people. Most of the time they just say what is on their mind. What makes it funny is their unique perspective on things. They are really not trying to be funny, but just being themselves.

    In reality laughter is nothing else but the approval of social status. It is an area that I have briefly explored and I am starting to notice it more and more.

    Great observations!


  3. It’s his cheek too, his brazen placement of a corpse at a table and his calm collected manner. Lovely clip, I’m a Bond fan too.

    Now, please can you tell us how to cultivate Connery’s charm next. That would be a popular read I’m sure!

  4. Lloyd: me 2 😉

    Tomas: I think there is a strong correlation between humor and authenticity. And one of the best ways to develop your sense of humor is to become more authentic.

    Annabel: I noticed his calm. Didn’t notice his cheek though. This is what I like about getting a female perspective 🙂

  5. Bond, James Bond 😉

    Nothing like the bond movies. He’s in a class of his own

    I want some of his gadgets the magnetic watch, exploding pens 😉

  6. What makes 007 the ultimate in cool for me is that he doesn’t try too hard. Being dashing and charming doesn’t hurt either! lol

  7. I’m also loving his calm too!

  8. Hey Eduard,

    I love the way you’ve captured his humour. Not many people would appreciate it. As you know I’m a huge fan of stand-up comedy and the art of humour and it’s a wonderful skill to acquire however I do notice the authenticity part in that the less authentic I am, the less people find me funny and that’s not just me on stage but just in general interactios with people too.

    @Tomas. I know exactly what you mean and another way you can tell is when you watch something funny alone. You’ll notice you don’t laugh as much and the things you find funny are genuinely funny to you!

    I don’t worry too much about social status though, laughing is great for you, so long as I’m laughing, it’s all good!
    .-= Amit Sodha – The Power Of Choice´s last blog ..Why We Need A New Paradigm In The Field Of Customer Services =-.

  9. I knew you would appreciate it 🙂

  10. Sean Connery mastered the part of James Bond including the humour, whereas Roger Moore could only do humour and not much acting!

  11. Agree. Sean Connery rules as James Bond!

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