Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose: Motivating Employees without Money

As a communication coach, I often work with people who lack motivation in their current job and they seek the people skills to make and effective career change. This is how I’ve learned there are a lot of de-motivated employees out there and a lot of companies which pay a huge cost for this. Motivation […]

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The Worst Job in the World and the Way Out

One of the things I like about coaching is that it creates insights not only for the client, but also for the coach. I recently had a mind blasting insight during a communication coaching session about what is truly the worst job in the world. It’s not pool cleaner or pig farmer. It’s rather a […]

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Savior Complex Anyone?

Here’s a fairytale gone badly, as it sometimes happens in real life: There was once a little girl who believed that all good things will come to her if she is really nice and always helps other people. She was always there for her aging parents; she even refused a dream job because it was […]

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How to Deal with Controlling People

One variety of human beings we tend to have too many of in our lives (too many as in, more than zero) is controlling people. Considering the stress they can create, knowing how to deal with controlling people effectively is serious business and it requires a key set of people skills. Controlling People Explained Fundamentally, […]

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Improving Sleeping Habits and Change

Hey People Skills Decoded fans! Interesting news: Steven Aitchison from Change Your Thoughts has just released an ebook called “How to Become an Advanced Early Riser” which I encourage you to check out. I’ve read a pre-launch version of the ebook (I know people) and it really got me thinking about some of my sleeping […]

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How to Ask For a Raise at Work

I get a lot of questions on how to ask for a raise at work. This, I believe, is a good thing. People want the people skills and tools to make the best of life in general, and getting more money for their work is one particular manifestation of this. There is plenty to be […]

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Regrets of the Dying / Living

I’ve recently read this article called ‘Regrets of the Dying’ which I found to be breathtaking. The author worked for many years in palliative care, with patients on the dying bed, and the article synthesizes the most common regrets these people had. Not only that I enjoyed this article, but it also inspired me to […]

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Email Etiquette at Work

Email is a form of business communication significantly different than any other form invented before. It’s not as fast as phone communication but it’s not as laborious as fax, it has a unique combination of communication features. For this reason, we sometimes find it hard to discover and use the right email etiquette at work. […]

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Quitting a Job with Style

I’ll tell you one thing many people seriously consider after working with me in a communication coaching program: quitting their job. I usually couldn’t be happier about this, as I believe that quitting a job is a natural part of career progress, which we often postpone unnecessarily. Most people tend to find quitting a job […]

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